Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Working Together: Week of August 29- September 2

Working Together: Week of August 29-September 2

Language:  Our letter sounds for this week will be l and o.We are also learning that the alphabets are made out of vowels and consonants.

Handwriting: We are learning the proper formation of numbers: 1-10 and just started our hand writing curriculum.

Math: Introduce odd and even numbers, place value and short bead stairs.

Social Studies: All about Me and I am Special!

Geography: We are going to start our unit study of the Solar System. This week, we will talk about the Sun, Mercury, Venus , Mars and Earth.

Art: Painting the sun.

Special event: Happy 6th Birthday Logan. We will also celebrate Keira's 6th birthday this week.

Monday, August 29, 2016

All School Assembly, August 2016

First Day of School, August 24, 2016

Click here to see photos

We had a great start to our school year. The children have adjusted very well to the school routine. Looking forward to seeing you all at Parent Night on Thursday, September 1 at 6:30 PM

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

"Welcome to Montessori Kinder Garden"
& a new school year: 2016-17

Wednesday, Aug 24: 1st day of School

I am looking forward to meet Lillian, Ava, Nicholas, Willow, True, Logan, Julianna, Eden, Keira, Natalia and Vivian