Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Working together: Week of October 26 - 28

Working Together: Week of October 26-28
Language: This week, our letter sound will be i. We are also learning to separate the words in a sentence. Please review the word lists your children will be bringing home every week.

Handwriting: We are working on our handwriting books and proper formation of letters and numbers.

Math: The children are working with the Montessori Math materials.

Art:  Push-pinning fruits for the cornucopia and Halloween crafts at the party.

Science:Discussion on owls and bats.

Social studies: Halloween safety

Special event: Mother Goose Parade and fall party on Wednesday, October 28.
Parent Teacher conferences on Thursday, October 29 and Friday, October 30

The greatest sign of success for a teacher... is to be able to say, ’The children are now working as if I did not exist.’  Maria Montessori

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Working Together: Week of October 19-23

Working Together: Week of October 19-23
Language: This week, our letter sounds will be m and i. We are also learning to separate the compound words and count the syllables in a word. Please review the word lists your children will be bringing home every week. We are also going to learn about positions.

Handwriting: We are working on our handwriting books and proper formation of letters and numbers.

Math: The children are working with the Montessori Math materials.

Art: Spider web art project and pumpkin painting.

Science:Discussion on leaves and spiders.

Geography: As part of our N.America study we will learn about Canada and Mexico.

The greatest sign of success for a teacher... is to be able to say, ’The children are now working as if I did not exist.’  Maria Montessori

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Working Together: Week of October 12- 16

Working Together: Week of October 12-16
Language: This week, our letter sounds will be n and m. We are also learning to separate the compound words and count the syllables in a word. Please review the word lists your children will be bringing home every week.

Handwriting: We are working on our handwriting books and proper formation of letters and numbers.

Math: The children are working with the Montessori Math materials.

Art: Columbus day art project and Cezanne's still life with apples.

Science: Dissecting a pumpkin and counting the seeds.

Social Study: The role of a firefighter!

Geography: We will learn about Christopher Columbus and will be introduced to the continent of North America. We will learn about few of the animals of North America.

The greatest sign of success for a teacher... is to be able to say, ’The children are now working as if I did not exist.’  Maria Montessori

Monday, October 5, 2015

Working Together: Week of October 5-9

Working Together: Week of October 5- 9
Language: This week, our letter sounds will be a and n. We are discussing about rhyming words and sentences.

Handwriting: We are working on our handwriting books and proper formation of letters and numbers.

Math: The children are working with the Montessori Math materials. The class will be introduced to the clock. We are also learning about place value as a class.

Art: Learning how to draw a pumpkin and paint it. Draw a picture related to the he Pumpkin patch field trip.

Science: We will learn about pumpkins. We will also make predictions if the pumpkin will float or sink.

Geography: We will learn about a strait and isthmus.

Important dates: Classroom observations on October  6 & 7. 
Walters pumpkin patch field trip on Thursday, October 8. 
Fall portraits on Friday, October 9

The greatest sign of success for a teacher... is to be able to say, ’The children are now working as if I did not exist.’  Maria Montessori